

“Take care of your fertility”, the book written by our Dr. Daniela Dale, explains our goal: to invite you to not treat fertility as something abstract, but to take care of it every day.

It is often thought that everything that has been given to us by nature is eternal, but it is not so! 

There are many factors that can affect our fertility:

Are only some of the causes of infertility!

Maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle is the first step to avoid having health problems in general and fertility in our case. At the Assisted Fertilization Center we want to sensitize our patients on this topic, since often it is our neglect that is the cause of our own poor health.

Take care of yourself every day and always remember that prevention is the best cure!

Our services

Are you thinking of embarking on an assisted reproduction journey? The first step is to book a consultation with our professionals. Every story is unique and therefore every single patient – as well as every couple – is invited to talk about their journey and their goals, in order to evaluate together what are the steps to take for a totally personalized assisted reproduction process.

With a simple blood sample we carry out hormonal analysis, i.e. the monitoring of your hormone levels in the blood. Through this examination we can identify hormonal imbalances, understand the cause and intervene with the right remedies.

Ovulation monitoring takes place through a series of transvaginal ultrasound scans and has a dual function:

on the one hand it’s used to check that ovulation happens

on the other hand it’s useful to increase the chances of conception with targeted intercourse

This examination is essential for all couples who decide to plan a pregnancy, but also for women who undergo ovulation induction therapies.

The spermogram is the first laboratory test a man should undergo when infertility is suspected in the couple. It is a diagnostic test to analyze seminal fluid to evaluate the quality, number, shape and motility of spermatozoa. A spermogram is useful not only for diagnosing the state of infertility, but also as an examination for the prevention of possible pathologies.

Ovulation is the time in the menstrual cycle when a woman reaches her maximum level of fertility and is therefore ready to conceive. Ovulation occurs about 14 days before the arrival of menstruation and can be characterized by symptoms such as abdominal cramps, enlarged breasts and cervico-vaginal secretions.

Follicogenesis, i.e. the maturation process of the follicles, begins during puberty and can have two outcomes: the death of the follicle (or atresia) or ovulation. Follicogenesis begins at puberty and ends with the menopause.

For those who decide to embark in assisted fertilization, it is useful to estimate the ovarian reserve, ie how many follicles are present in the woman’s ovaries at a given moment in her life. Age, genetics, surgical interventions and therapies that can compromise fertility in fact influence the ovarian reserve of every woman.

Correct nutrition can benefit fertility. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle help both women and men to take care of their fertility. It is no coincidence that the holistic approach to assisted reproduction, employed by CFA, also includes personalized advice by our nutritionist, whose advice accompanies the couples throughout their journey in search of a child.

Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic procedure that allows you to diagnose some pathologies of the uterine cavity. The examination takes place in the clinic and consists in observing the inside of the uterus through a hysteroscope, equipped with a camera, that allows to us identify malformations of the uterus or the presence of polyps, fibroids or tumours. Hysteroscopy is very useful for understanding the cause of infertility and is therefore usually recommended for women who want to embark in assisted fertilization.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (also known as PCOS), is one of the main causes of female infertility, but not all symptoms are attributable to this pathology. Let’s consider the most common:

● the first alarm bell is the irregularity of the menstrual cycle

● often this syndrome is only identified when the couple try to conceive

● in many cases there is unexplained weight gain

● Hormonal imbalances are common, causing acne and hair on the face and chest

It is very important not to ignore these symptoms, but to talk about them with your gynaecologist to be directed

towards the right treatment.

If you do not know, or haven’t found, your ideal partner or you are intent on following your career, social freezing is a valid option to preserve your fertility for a future date. Social freezing allows you to freeze your oocytes today, when they are in a viable and young state, and use them in the future when your life has settled down and having a baby is your wish.

Over time, oocytes decrease in both quality and quantity: keeping the ones you have today,

with the possibility of defrosting them at the right time, can be a

great gift to yourself.

Cryopreservation of semen is a procedure by which male gametes are collected and kept in a special container of liquid nitrogen for a short or long period of time, so that they can be thawed and used in assisted fertilization techniques in the future. Semen cryopreservation is of interest to patients undergoing oncological therapies that can compromise fertility over time, patients with pathologies that can lead to azoospermia or even patients who intend to preserve a future paternity, without risking the loss of testicular function due to unforeseen events that may occur in the course of life.

When choosing to embark in ART, both partners need psychological support. In fact, we must not underestimate the effect that stress can have, not only in the presence of any IVF failure, but also during the entire period of examinations and treatments to which one undergoes before the transfer. At CFA, our patients are supported by our pscychologists from the first consultation to the realization of their dream of parenthood.

Are you thinking of embarking on an assisted reproduction journey? The first step is to book a consultation with our professionals. Every story is unique and therefore every single patient – as well as every couple – is invited to talk about their journey and their goals, in order to evaluate together what are the steps to take for a totally personalized assisted reproduction process.

With a simple blood sample we carry out hormonal analysis, i.e. the monitoring of your hormone levels in the blood. Through this examination we can identify hormonal imbalances, understand the cause and intervene with the right remedies.

Ovulation monitoring takes place through a series of transvaginal ultrasound scans and has a dual function:

on the one hand it’s used to check that ovulation happens

on the other hand it’s useful to increase the chances of conception with targeted intercourse

This examination is essential for all couples who decide to plan a pregnancy, but also for women who undergo ovulation induction therapies.

The spermogram is the first laboratory test a man should undergo when infertility is suspected in the couple. It is a diagnostic test to analyze seminal fluid to evaluate the quality, number, shape and motility of spermatozoa. A spermogram is useful not only for diagnosing the state of infertility, but also as an examination for the prevention of possible pathologies.

Ovulation is the time in the menstrual cycle when a woman reaches her maximum level of fertility and is therefore ready to conceive. Ovulation occurs about 14 days before the arrival of menstruation and can be characterized by symptoms such as abdominal cramps, enlarged breasts and cervico-vaginal secretions.

Follicogenesis, i.e. the maturation process of the follicles, begins during puberty and can have two outcomes: the death of the follicle (or atresia) or ovulation. Follicogenesis begins at puberty and ends with the menopause.

For those who decide to embark in assisted fertilization, it is useful to estimate the ovarian reserve, ie how many follicles are present in the woman’s ovaries at a given moment in her life. Age, genetics, surgical interventions and therapies that can compromise fertility in fact influence the ovarian reserve of every woman.

Correct nutrition can benefit fertility. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle help both women and men to take care of their fertility. It is no coincidence that the holistic approach to assisted reproduction, employed by CFA, also includes personalized advice by our nutritionist, whose advice accompanies the couples throughout their journey in search of a child.

Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic procedure that allows you to diagnose some pathologies of the uterine cavity. The examination takes place in the clinic and consists in observing the inside of the uterus through a hysteroscope, equipped with a camera, that allows to us identify malformations of the uterus or the presence of polyps, fibroids or tumours. Hysteroscopy is very useful for understanding the cause of infertility and is therefore usually recommended for women who want to embark in assisted fertilization.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (also known as PCOS), is one of the main causes of female infertility, but not all symptoms are attributable to this pathology. Let’s consider the most common:

● the first alarm bell is the irregularity of the menstrual cycle

● often this syndrome is only identified when the couple try to conceive

● in many cases there is unexplained weight gain

● Hormonal imbalances are common, causing acne and hair on the face and chest

It is very important not to ignore these symptoms, but to talk about them with your gynaecologist to be directed

towards the right treatment.

If you do not know, or haven’t found, your ideal partner or you are intent on following your career, social freezing is a valid option to preserve your fertility for a future date. Social freezing allows you to freeze your oocytes today, when they are in a viable and young state, and use them in the future when your life has settled down and having a baby is your wish.

Over time, oocytes decrease in both quality and quantity: keeping the ones you have today,

with the possibility of defrosting them at the right time, can be a

great gift to yourself.

Cryopreservation of semen is a procedure by which male gametes are collected and kept in a special container of liquid nitrogen for a short or long period of time, so that they can be thawed and used in assisted fertilization techniques in the future. Semen cryopreservation is of interest to patients undergoing oncological therapies that can compromise fertility over time, patients with pathologies that can lead to azoospermia or even patients who intend to preserve a future paternity, without risking the loss of testicular function due to unforeseen events that may occur in the course of life.

When choosing to embark in ART, both partners need psychological support. In fact, we must not underestimate the effect that stress can have, not only in the presence of any IVF failure, but also during the entire period of examinations and treatments to which one undergoes before the transfer. At CFA, our patients are supported by our pscychologists from the first consultation to the realization of their dream of parenthood.
